Reut Tsarfaty
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:about me
I am a post-doctoral research fellow
at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science at the Weizmann Institute of Science,
and an adjunct lecturer at the Efi Arazi school of Computer Science at
Herzliya Interdisciplinary center.
My research lies at the intersection of Natural Language Processing,
Artificial Inteligence and Machine Learning.
I am mainly interested in structure prediction and joint modeling for cross-linguistic parsing, broadly interpreted to include morphological, syntactic and semantic parsing.
At Weizmann, I am working with Prof. David Harel on text-to-code generation as a test-bed for unrestricted natural language understanding. Before joining Weizmann, I was working with Prof. Joakim Nivre at Uppsala University on cross-linguistic parsing and cross-framework evaluation.
Prior to that, I defended my PhD at the Institute for Logic Language and Computation (ILLC), University of Amsterdam (UvA). My PhD project Integrated Morphological and Syntactic Ambiguity Resolution was supervised by Prof. Remko Scha and Dr. Khalil Simaan, and funded by NWO personal grant #017.001.271. In my MSc of Logic thesis, supervised by Prof. Michiel van Lambalgen and also defended at the ILLC-UvA, I investigated the Formal Semantics of Aspect in Modern Hebrew and the role the Semitic templates (binyanim) play there.
I received my BSc at the Computer Science Department at the Technion -- Israel Institute of Technology, and worked as a software engineer at Intel Israel's development center in Haifa. I am also involved with NLP consultation and entrepreneurship through the library.
Reut Tsarfaty, PhD
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
The Weizmann Institute of Science
Visiting address: Ziskind Building, Room 304
Postal address: Box 26, Rehovot 76100, Israel
Telephone: +972-8-934-2651